Wednesday 27 January 2016

A dog Is Following a Swine, Communism goes to fight Capitalism.

When Pakistan joined the US sponsored SEATO and CenTO, against USSR, in 1953 and 1954, the official religious clergy called it natural alliances in the war between Islam & Communism. We don't know, how far the US protected "ISLAM" in Pakistan from Communism but we know that a Muslim majority Afghanistan was bathed in blood by the then growing tussle of US and USSR. Famous Islamic Scholar, Hazrat Syed Attaullah Shah Bukhari (May Allah keep his soul in everlasting peace) replied to the SEATO/CenTO pacts in the following words,
"Communism goes to fight Capitalism. A dog is following a Swine. What conflict of Islam and Communism? What alliance between Islam and Capitalists? Where is Islam in Pakistan to fight communism? Infidelity will fight Infidelity".
Recent news of support to Taliban by ‪#‎The_Russian_Hitman‬ have sparked another controversy. Further details are yet to come across. Kremlin denied the news, claiming it baseless. But who says there is no something wrong at the bottom. Next few days will clarify it, and if not so, then it will be the fate of the ongoing war to decide the truth behind the hostile propaganda. The current situation is so tight that one cannot deny the possibility of Russian assistance to Taliban. And the history of Taliban, as an-always dependent group, is enough for one to decide that they will turn towards Russian help. After all, it has always been the help, either by one or the other, which has kept the Taliban alive. Assuming the story in the news as truth, today I am compelled to pay a tribute to those few ‪#‎Brilliant_Islamic_Scholars‬, who vehemently opposed the creation of Taliban insurgents, by clearly declaring the previous Afghan conflict as a tussle of American and Russian interests, nothing to do with the sacred name of Jehad.‪#‎ Used_for_the_USA_now_in_use_of_Russia‬.
No wonder, those sincere scholars were harrassed and treated badly. Today, the sands of time have sealed the stamp of truth. But even today, their opponents will never agree. Just as famous Islamic Scholar,‪#‎Mulana_Abul_Kalam_Azad_ra‬ once said, "Even if the world goes a million years more ahead, two things will never get finish. The prejudice of Hindus and the hatred of Muslims towards their true leaders".
May Allah give us the courage to accept realities. Ameen.
By Syed Yasir Kakakhel

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